neděle 18. září 2011

10 Things To Love:

Nejspis toho budu litovat ...

10 veci, ktere miluju vol. 1:

- pivo
- vegetarianskou kuchyni
- muj novy talisman
- prstynek z musle za 45,-
- novou desku Jill Scott
- spanek
- moje zvirata
- stale jeste neznameho DJ ze sobotniho Peta pred rokem a pul
- Google Prekladac

+ kandidat na lasku: Little Learners EP by GK

//Konci leto. Znovu jsem zacala kourit. Pracuju 6 dni v tydnu. Boli me nohy. Jsem rada o samote. Docela dost utracim.

*    *    *    *    *

I'll probably regret it ...

10 things I love vol 1:

- beer
- Vegetarian cuisine
- My new talisman
- Ring of mussels for 45, -
- New album Jill Scott
- sleep
- My animals
- Window Seat by Erykah Badu
- Still an unknown DJ on Saturday Pete and a half year ago
- Google Translate

+ Candidate for the love of Little Learners EP, GK

/ / End of the summer. I started smoking again. I work 6 days a week. My feet hurt. I am a board alone. Spend quite a bit.

By Google Translator ;)* I told you it is great!!

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